Basil Pesto

May 1, 2016


Today was pesto making day! This is the recipe for pesto with basil, but you can really replace the basil with coriander or with any other herbs and/or weeds that you like. It is also very flexible what kind of nuts or seeds you are using. I had walnuts at home, so that's what I used, but traditionally pesto is made with pine nuts. Try macadamia nuts, almonds or sunflower seeds. You can make it with or without Parmesan, just how you like it. I had so much basil in my garden, that I quadrupled this recipe!

  • Prep: 15 min
  • 15 min

    15 min

  • Yields: 2 cups


5-6 cups Basil leaves, washed and loosely packed

5 gloves of garlic, chopped

1/2 or more, Olive oil

1/2 cup (or more) nuts or seed. Any nuts or seeds that you have at home will do. Macadamia tastes great, walnuts fantastic, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds ...

1/2 tsp Himalayan Salt or Sea salt

1/2 cup Parmesan grated. This is optional!


Put all ingredients except Parmesan into your blender and blend to your desired consistency. Add more oil if necessary or more garlic or salt for taste. If using Parmesan then pour pesto into a bowl and gently stir grated Parmesan into pesto. Keeps well in fridge for up to one week or in freezer. If you freeze your pesto, then don't fill the jars to the very top. Leave some air space and just loosely put the lid on top. Once frozen screw the lid firmly on the jar.
